Refunds, chargebacks and miscellaneous charges processed by the marketplace are included here. Selling platform charges are transactions that deduct from the total marketplace balance. If you sell on Amazon, rollover balances or any withheld balances will also be included.
Payability purchases and advances on your gross sales. Any charges, refunds or withheld balances will come in from Amazon after we have advanced your gross sales. Since Amazon is letting us know they will not be including these amounts in their next payment, these amounts are deducted from your available balance.
These transactions work like a reversed sale. This means that they will reduce your available balance and your reserve balance according to your advance rate and reserve rate.
In the example below, you can see that we posted $150.17 in Selling Platform Charges. This deducted $75.09 (50%) from the available balance. The remaining $75.08 (50%) was deducted from the Reserve Amount.
Clicking on the blue box next to Selling Platform Charges will link directly to the Marketplace Transaction Details report which will allow you to reconcile the listed charges with transactions viewable on your marketplace transaction reports.
On occasion, these types of transactions may come in after your daily transfer has been processed. If this is the case, your account may reflect a negative balance. This is normal as we are advancing funds to you. As we purchase new receivables, your available balance will become positive.